Probably the most popular of all the Wills written today. Simple Wills with the addition of a life interest trust gifting the deceased’s share and interest in the property to the trustees. The trust is written to allow the survivor the right to live in the property for the rest of their life but with flexibility to sell and purchase another one. On the death of the survivor, the property is distributed in accordance with the trust and not the survivor’s Will. This is especially useful where a couple have children from previous relationships/marriages and wish to provide for their new partner/spouse but ensure their assets ultimately pass to their own children. Will require the property to be owned as tenants-in-common; severance prepared, if required.
This trust ensures that should you die before the 25th birthday of any future beneficiary they would not automatically have their inheritance appointed to them at the age of 18. Instead funds would be allocated to them by your appointed trustees according to your specified wishes meaning a young adult would not receive a large amount of money before they were responsible enough to deal with it appropriately.
These trusts ensure that your monetary assets are protected for your partner up to the nil rate band value on the day you die and will not be able to be taken into consideration by the Local Authority if they go into care or be lost from the family should they remarry for example.
Wills written to include a discretionary trust that will protect beneficiaries should they have difficulty in managing financial affairs. Commonly through disability, dependency on drink or drugs, gambling addiction, or prodigality. Allows the testator to provide for a person in a safe and controlled fashion. The Trustees are able to advance capital and income as required; a letter of wishes should be prepared to document the testators intentions. For vulnerable persons without disability the trustees are able to manage the fund on behalf of that person therefore removing the risk of frivolous spending or a drink/drug binge that could lead to severe illness or death. Where the testator has a disabled beneficiary the trust complies with S89 IHTA 1984 and therefore benefits from preferential tax treatment.
Commonly referred to as the ‘ideal modern Will’. Ensures the testator provides for his or her spouse, by providing them with the income from the entirety of their residuary estate. Has additional flexibility as the Trustees are able to advance capital, either as a gift or a loan, whilst preserving as much of the capital as possible for the deceased’s chosen beneficiaries. Particularly beneficial for high net worth clients as the trust is written to allow mitigation of IHT after first death (not a tax saving tool in itself; additional advice will be required). Often preferable for younger couples who do not wish to undertake aggressive IHT mitigation as it allows for tax planning to be implemented in the event either of them dies. Spousal exemption will apply on first death (provided the clients are married/civil partner’s) resulting in the survivor’s Personal Representatives having the ability to claim a Transferable Nil Rate Band on second death. Requires all jointly owned assets to be held as tenants-in-common.